Valley Payment Solutions
Cost Savings Analysis
First Name
Last Name
Legal Business Name
How Do Customers Currently Pay You? [Select All That Apply]
Card Present - In Person Payments
Card Not Present - Online Cart / E-Commerce Store
Invoicing - Sending Invoices to Clients
Membership Based - Automatic Recurring Charge
Transaction Apps (Venmo, Ca$h App, PayPal etc.)
3rd Party Software (QuickBooks, HoneyBook, Go High Level etc.)
If you selected "Other" on the question above, please describe
What State(s) Are You Transacting In?
How Much Do You Process Monthly (Please Provide an Average $ Amount)
This is all the revenue you collect through your business. Please provide a monthly average.
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
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List is empty.
Please Upload 3 of your most recent Merchant Statements or 3 Bank Statements that show your transaction and deposit history
Bank Statements should be used only if no merchant statements or transaction reports are available from your current system
Where did you hear about us?
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